
 About 30 high school sophomores are suddenly relocated and summoned to another world during gym class, where they are ordered by a mysterious princess to defeat a demon king. When they are summoned, they are told to check their "skills," and it turns out that they all have skills specialized for battle.  However, "Shinichi Furuta" was a "Survivor Tamer," which is useless in battle. He was heckled by such words as, "Skills that can't be used in battle are not necessary. He was exiled to a forest teeming with demons, but he was able to find the Survivor Tamer, a skill that was useless in battle. However, Shinichi, who understood the strength of the "Survivor Tamer," managed to survive. At first, he finds a hole in the ground and lives there, but he and the dinosaurs are making a name for themselves.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,555 位 / 185,555件 ファンタジー 42,588 位 / 42,588件
文字数 2,103 最終更新日 2022.10.06 登録日 2022.10.06
BL 完結 短編 R18
K中学校の教師である柳田光紀と佐藤謙は公私ともに仲が良く二人は付き合っている。 中学校教師の甘々な日常短編集!! ※ただエロいだけです。 ※ストーリー性は一切ありません。 作者が中学生だった頃に、初めて友達と書いたお話を手を加えてアップしています。 どうぞ、暖かい目で見てやってください。
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,555 位 / 185,555件 BL 24,062 位 / 24,062件
文字数 17,833 最終更新日 2017.12.21 登録日 2017.12.16
大衆娯楽 連載中 ショートショート
Leaving cards are a traditional way of wishing someone farewell or good luck as they leave a job or organisation. These leaving cards are often given to coworkers, colleagues, or friends when they are leaving their place of work, moving to a new location, or starting a new venture. They can be as simple as a card with a handwritten message or as elaborate as a personalised photo album or scrapbook.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,299 位 / 21,299件 大衆娯楽 612 位 / 612件
登録日 2023.03.30
The core purpose of a retirement card is to wish your retiring colleague a blissful and fulfilling retirement. This is your chance to encourage them to embrace new experiences, hobbies, and adventures. Express your hope that this new chapter of their life brings them joy, relaxation, and a sense of fulfillment. Offer words of wisdom or share personal insights about retirement if you have experienced it yourself, providing guidance and reassurance during this transition.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,299 位 / 21,299件 エッセイ・ノンフィクション 743 位 / 743件
登録日 2023.05.26
 人間に完璧を求めてはいけない。  Don't expect perfection from people  人間は他者を順位付けし、人によって態度を変える。  Humans rank others and change their attitudes depending on the person.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,555 位 / 185,555件 ファンタジー 42,588 位 / 42,588件
文字数 1,065 最終更新日 2023.09.14 登録日 2023.09.14