「be strong」の検索結果

主人公のクラスが異世界召喚されたけど、主人公のステータス値は低く職業も不明なので、王城で引きこもっていたらタンクの親友が勇者をかばったときの毒で死んだ。その日貴族に勇者はもてはやされ親友はけなされた部屋で泣いていると… 初めての作品なので誤字脱字は我慢していただけるとありがたいです。 一週間に一回更新していきたいと思います。 復讐劇も少しは挟みますご遠慮下さい あまり生々しくはしないつもりです よろしくお願いします。
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,497 位 / 185,497件 ファンタジー 42,576 位 / 42,576件
文字数 2,000 最終更新日 2019.05.13 登録日 2019.05.13
あらすじ : author: MadFox The novel is about the appearance of a mysterious continent in the Atlantic Ocean, and no one knows where it came from suddenly The supreme authorities of the world allowed any person to immigrate to it and settle there ... after the White Republic established the so-called special organization to control the mysterious land in secret. Our main character koja has been the victim of the plot organized by the Special Organization, where he worked as a special agent in the organization for eight years ... Full to discover with time that the Special Organization has destroyed the homeland of koja long time ago ... So Koja goes to the organization with the intention of revenge and destruction As a result of what it did in the right of his homeland's citizens ... so he takes his mate with him ( called Zevo Zerossa ) he is one of the strongest Mafia in the mysterious land .... And from there his journey begins to rebel against the organization
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,299 位 / 21,299件 ファンタジー 8,270 位 / 8,270件
登録日 2018.11.14