「world order」の検索結果

 About 30 high school sophomores are suddenly relocated and summoned to another world during gym class, where they are ordered by a mysterious princess to defeat a demon king. When they are summoned, they are told to check their "skills," and it turns out that they all have skills specialized for battle.  However, "Shinichi Furuta" was a "Survivor Tamer," which is useless in battle. He was heckled by such words as, "Skills that can't be used in battle are not necessary. He was exiled to a forest teeming with demons, but he was able to find the Survivor Tamer, a skill that was useless in battle. However, Shinichi, who understood the strength of the "Survivor Tamer," managed to survive. At first, he finds a hole in the ground and lives there, but he and the dinosaurs are making a name for themselves.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,612 位 / 185,612件 ファンタジー 42,642 位 / 42,642件
文字数 2,103 最終更新日 2022.10.06 登録日 2022.10.06
SF 連載中 長編 R15
「NWO」とは、支配者による脳監視システムであり、全ての脳を一つのネットに結びつけることである 21世紀はとんでもないディストピアなのだ 嫌がらせや拷問は続く 彼らは電波兵器に気がついた人間を次々と統合失調症や精神分裂病に偽装して証拠隠滅している
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,612 位 / 185,612件 SF 5,136 位 / 5,136件
文字数 3,161 最終更新日 2023.06.25 登録日 2023.06.25