
恋愛 連載中 長編
神に仕えなければならない聖女の血を引く身でありながら、性別を偽り、男装して、聖ティセニア公国の騎士となったニコル。 付き従う部下は、隙あらば口説きにかかる超女ったらしの元亡命者と、隙あらば無表情に覗き、ストーカー、溺愛しまくる黒髪黒瞳の鉄血参謀。 最強の闇魔術使いとして師団を率い、敵と戦う日々ですが、女の子だとバレたら超キケン⁉︎ シリアス、コミカル、じれじれ、せつない。恋と魔法と榴弾砲のオーダーミックス異世界戦記。 同人版電子書籍発売中!https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/e/B07QVHM8TP イラストはうるうゆきこ様にお願いしました!
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,631 位 / 185,631件 恋愛 56,306 位 / 56,306件
文字数 73,954 最終更新日 2020.06.25 登録日 2020.05.26
 About 30 high school sophomores are suddenly relocated and summoned to another world during gym class, where they are ordered by a mysterious princess to defeat a demon king. When they are summoned, they are told to check their "skills," and it turns out that they all have skills specialized for battle.  However, "Shinichi Furuta" was a "Survivor Tamer," which is useless in battle. He was heckled by such words as, "Skills that can't be used in battle are not necessary. He was exiled to a forest teeming with demons, but he was able to find the Survivor Tamer, a skill that was useless in battle. However, Shinichi, who understood the strength of the "Survivor Tamer," managed to survive. At first, he finds a hole in the ground and lives there, but he and the dinosaurs are making a name for themselves.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,631 位 / 185,631件 ファンタジー 42,695 位 / 42,695件
文字数 2,103 最終更新日 2022.10.06 登録日 2022.10.06