
 About 30 high school sophomores are suddenly relocated and summoned to another world during gym class, where they are ordered by a mysterious princess to defeat a demon king. When they are summoned, they are told to check their "skills," and it turns out that they all have skills specialized for battle.  However, "Shinichi Furuta" was a "Survivor Tamer," which is useless in battle. He was heckled by such words as, "Skills that can't be used in battle are not necessary. He was exiled to a forest teeming with demons, but he was able to find the Survivor Tamer, a skill that was useless in battle. However, Shinichi, who understood the strength of the "Survivor Tamer," managed to survive. At first, he finds a hole in the ground and lives there, but he and the dinosaurs are making a name for themselves.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,377 位 / 185,377件 ファンタジー 42,582 位 / 42,582件
文字数 2,103 最終更新日 2022.10.06 登録日 2022.10.06
恋愛 連載中 長編 R15
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,377 位 / 185,377件 恋愛 56,310 位 / 56,310件
文字数 35,375 最終更新日 2020.11.19 登録日 2019.01.27
現代文学 完結 ショートショート
「強引にMy Way」 俺たちの関係に、まさか、まさかのどんでん返し……? 20歳。幼なじみで恋人のチコはロンドンへの留学を切り出す。 落ち込む俺は、かつて自分が窮地を救ったワンダーランドへと舞い戻ってしまう。 頼りない主人公と幼なじみ女子のドタバタコメディー、これにてグランド・フィナーレ。 「KAC2020 ~カクヨム・アニバーサリー・チャンピオンシップ 2020~」5回目「どんでん返し」参加作品です。 カクヨム誕生4周年を記念して、最後の花火をぶち上げます!
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,297 位 / 21,297件 現代文学 641 位 / 641件
登録日 2020.03.12
恋愛 連載中 ショートショート
Realistic Sex Dolls are sex toys designed to fit all your realistic sex needs. Amazingly that sex dolls have both anal holes and vaginas (various types included) which can be customised to ensure sweetness during sex. Just like a real woman, OVDoll.com gives you a chance to select the body shape which attracts you. These options include the size of boobs, hairstyle, color and public hair. A Life-size Realistic Sex Doll with human shape is used by adults to masturbate. Sex dolls enable users to experience the pleasure of sex. In the past, it was designed to be inflatable, these inflatable sex toys have lower price however worse tactility. Recently, sex dolls were gradually upgraded into silicone and TPE dolls and they are increasingly realistic in terms of appearance and texture.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,297 位 / 21,297件 恋愛 4,939 位 / 4,939件
登録日 2020.04.13
(IN THE NEAR FUTURE OF THE SOUTH EAST ASIAN CITY) IN ASIA... BANGKOK..., A Japenese cop, Katagi, enters; Bangkok. (Thai-LAND) From the Suvarnabhum Airport, his plane lands into the nation. Katagi is an experienced cop in Japan, and he was called to the Bangkok Police, because some cases happened there, ….. it is series murders. And they are strange appearances. In the murder sites fotos, “Punish from Heaven” and “The evil men also go to Heaven” are written on the walls with big letters with Japanese language. So, Katagi was called from Japan. In Bangkok, Katagi meets JJ-Garcon. JJ-Garcon is the colleague cop in Bangkok. JJ works with Katagi in Bangkok. So, JJ invites Katagi into his house. JJ's wife's gone away from him and now, he is a single. When, Katagi sees JJ's foto album, he listens to Thai-music with JJ's hyper-resolution headphones.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,377 位 / 185,377件 現代文学 7,940 位 / 7,940件
文字数 90,008 最終更新日 2022.03.16 登録日 2022.03.16
大衆娯楽 連載中 ショートショート
Leaving cards are a traditional way of wishing someone farewell or good luck as they leave a job or organisation. These leaving cards are often given to coworkers, colleagues, or friends when they are leaving their place of work, moving to a new location, or starting a new venture. They can be as simple as a card with a handwritten message or as elaborate as a personalised photo album or scrapbook.
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,297 位 / 21,297件 大衆娯楽 611 位 / 611件
登録日 2023.03.30
この世はアブノーマルに溢れている 身から滲み出る不審者臭からのやはりアブノーマルであったり、爽やかスマイルが好評を博すイケメンでもアブノーマルであったりする 古の時より嗜み続ける人類はいつの日からか『変態力』を操れるようになっていた 『変態力』---それはすなわち力であった ほんの100年前までは変態力が強いものが権力を手にし、変態力が強いものが世界を牛耳っていた だがそんな変態力も鳴りを潜め、今や民主主義なるものが世界を先導し、変態達は迫害され始めていた そして変態力を行使する者は影に身を潜めた しかし高い変態力を持つものはいつの日か我慢の限界が来て、そういう者は軒並み『ストリートファック』---変態力同士での殴り合いを行うようになったのである
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 21,297 位 / 21,297件 ファンタジー 8,272 位 / 8,272件
登録日 2018.05.17
恋愛 連載中 長編 R15
Love is like raindrops outside the window, not only do they evaporate, they leave stains behind. 恋心って窓辺の雨粒と似てる、蒸発するくせに跡だけ残してくんだから。
24h.ポイント 0pt
小説 185,377 位 / 185,377件 恋愛 56,310 位 / 56,310件
文字数 19,797 最終更新日 2023.08.30 登録日 2023.07.04